Massive Sale For All Dylan Saccoccio eBooks!

Perhaps the most important resources to reference in our time is the eBook. The ability to be able to type in key words and find them in every place of a book saves the most valuable commodities you have, which is time an attention. The majority of my books are purchased in paperback form. There used to be a program on Amazon called Matchbook, which allowed authors to make lower prices for the eBook versions available to those who bought its corresponding paperback. I made it $0 so that everyone who bought the paperback versions of my books could also get the ebooks for free. Amazon got rid of that program. However, Smashwords does a few sales a year, usually corresponding to the seasons, so I like to enroll all my books in them for those who will take advantage. But even if you don’t choose my work, if there are other authors you like, search for them on Smashwords and maybe you’ll find that they’ve also enrolled in these sales.
Here’s the link to Dylan Saccoccio’s Smashwords Library. It should say the percentage off next to each title. This is the first sale that my latest book has been a part of, so it’s a great opportunity to capitalize on for those of you who want the ebook form of Spirit Whirled: Terminalia.